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MM 10th Anniversary

Dear Customers,

Exactly 10 years ago, in August 2014, I announced on our Facebook page that our website and first eShop would be on-line within a few days. After 25 years of producing bags for other brands, I decided it was time to create our own collection. I wanted to start working directly with end users instead of our expertise being placed in the hands of famous designers and big brands. I took a huge risk by investing the last 25 years of profits in this new venture without any guarantees about the future. We had no existing customer base when we started.

The first few months were extremely difficult as orders were very light while costs were high. Although the orders we received were few in number it was immediately clear to me that customers loved the beautiful MM bags we were creating for them! I started feeling a direct connection between me and lots of MM customers. What was clear is that our creativity filled their need for something special, unique and most of all a very personal handbag. To this day I still get that indescribable connection and that is what has allowed me to be here today. After lots of problems such as - high-end market issues, world financial crisis, covid pandemic and for me the most serious being some personal health problems. Despite all these issues it was written in the stars that MM had to survive and hopefully thrive!

Looking back over the last 10 years I believe there is nothing in the handbag world quite like MM. We are unique and I know MM customers have the same experience we live everyday here at our little workshop: it's all about love and passion! We exist thanks to the love we feel for what we do and thanks to the love we receive from our customers. Money and profit have never been our sole engine. The important thing is the pleasure we get from providing our customers with beautiful personal handbags and hopefully this results in a profitable business for MM as well. The trip we make together will remain the most exciting experience we could have in our lives!

I have always considered our MM customers part of our family and after so many years I want to say thank you to each and everyone of you. Without your continued support it would not have been possible to keep this dream alive. I hope it has been a mutual exchange of love, respect and loyalty. If I could I would give a big hug to each of you to show how I and my beautiful team appreciate your never ending support and love. Italians by the way are known to be big huggers!!

To show my gratitude and appreciation and something much more practical I am offering a special rebate in honor of our 10 year anniversary for the upcoming Autumn - Winter season orders (with a lead time that has currenty been reduced to 6-7 weeks!). All the details are included in the graphic at the bottom of this letter. You can be sure that we will keep working hard to satisfy your requests and needs and will keep offering new styles, new leathers, new services and, most of all, the best customer care possible!

With all my love,




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